Important Directions for the Use of Funding Sources in Efforts to Recruit Teachers
While West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE)-approved educator preparation programs lead to meeting certification requirements found in WVBE Policy 5202, school district officials must follow all federal, state, and local statutes and policies pertaining to the eligible use of unique funding sources, procurement, and purchasing (e.g., requiring a minimum number of bids, etc.). WVBE approvals of educator preparation programs leading to certification do not guarantee county officials may use funding sources to participate in those programs. As a wide variety of entities (IHE-based and non-IHE-based) from West Virginia and other states are seeking WVBE educator preparation program approval with new methods of receiving funding for implementation of their programs, county officials must ensure eligible funding sources are used and appropriate fiscal methods are followed when collaborating with WVBE-approved program providers (e.g., rules for entering contractual service agreements, etc.). County personnel may contact offices at the West Virginia Department of Education for additional support in understanding eligible uses of funding and proper protocols for the use of funds.